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Institut für
Kunstdokumentation und

Rita McBride

Ri­ta McBri­des oeu­vre sin­ce the 1980s deals wi­th the cha­rac­te­ris­tics and in­ter­sec­tion points of in­dus­tri­al de­sign, mi­ni­ma­list sculp­tu­re, mo­der­nist ar­chi­tec­tu­re, pu­blic spaces, and the gaps they ge­ne­ra­te. Her ar­tis­tic prac­tice is ba­sed on the tra­di­ti­ons of Mi­ni­mal Art and in­sti­tu­tio­nal cri­tique.

We met the artist during her exhibit at the Kunsthalle Duesseldorf in 2016.
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