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Institut für
Kunstdokumentation und

Jörg Sasse

The Berlin based photo artist is internationally best known for his SKETCHES and TABLEAUS.

He counts, next to Thomas Ruff, Thomas Struth, Andreas Gursky, Axel Hütte, Candida Höfer und Elger Esser, to the students of Bernd and Hilla Becher at the art academie in Düsseldorf.

Since 2010 we are allowed to accompany the artist.


In 2016 we did produce the documentary "JÖRG SASSE - works 1981 - 2016" (35min., English subtitles) by Ralph Goertz, which is now available as video on demand on vimeo or as a DVD in selected bookshops.


Photographs: Ralph Goertz © IKS-Medienarchiv

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