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Kunstdokumentation und

Thomas Rentmeister

The Berlin based german artist Thomas Rentmeister is one of the most important artist of an new generation which brout a new thougt on sculpture. He uses objects of everydayness and combines them to gigantic sculptures.
He became internationally known by his series of polyester sculptures and his chocolat works.


At the Kunstverein Ruhr in Essen, we met Thomas Rentmeister again during the installation of his work PUTPUTPUT (June 17 to September 8, 2019). Rentmeister's handling of material always creates a new, surprising sense dimension, which is based on the familiar objects and materials and yet opens up a hitherto hidden access to the world. Thomas Rentmeister is planning an installation made of expanded metal based on the space and its urban location. This material, which is common in the construction industry, allows him to completely redefine the space. It shines silvery, can be bent and formed in all directions, and thus develops a presence that is as expansive as it is transparent, airy and almost filigree. This installation, which occupies about half the space and is aesthetically dominant, becomes a special experience for the viewers entering the room. But even after the official opening hours of the Kunstverein, it provides an insight into the shop window space, which is lit up into the night, which will astonish casual passers-by.




Photos: Ralph Goertz © IKS-Medienarchiv

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